Monday, November 28, 2005

Back to Hospital

On Wednesday 30th, we are going in to the Children's so Mia can have a cardiac catheter. The main point of this procedure is so they can measure the pressures inside the different areas of the heart. The pressures matter for the next stage of operation still to be done hopefully in February. All going well, we should be home again on Thursday. They basically put a tube through a blood vessel in her groin and thred it up to inside the heart and measure from there!

Will let you know how things go, wish us luck!
Lyndall, Richard and Mia

Friday, November 11, 2005


HI All, Mia had her first Cardiology visit today after leaving hospital. The doctor was very happy with her progress. The band they put around her pulmonary artery is working well and her heart function looks good. She doesn't have to have her diuretics anymore and since I stopped her reflux medication (since it does JACK) she doesn't have any meds now!
They will organise a cardiac catheter for before Christmas which is when they put a tube into her heart through an artery in her groin to measure pressures in the heart and have a bit of a look see. It is usually only an overnight stay in hospital. Then depending on what they see and find, she will still probably be having her next operation at 6 months (February).
She is a very happy baby (except when she gets woken up and told to feed!) in between vomits which are still a plenty!
All our love, thanks for all the comments and support from afar,

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Photos as requested

A few people have asked for some recent photos of Mia, so here they are. Out in the pram..... relaxing at home..... asleep in the very hot weather....and tonight when I was supposed to be asleep!!!!! Hope you enjoy. Sorry about some blurriness!!