Friday, January 19, 2007

Too tired to eat!

Mia was so exhausted after playing with Cooper at mothers group that she couldn't eat her lunch. I turned to find her fast asleep in the high chair, her avocado sandwich untouched!!! She was weighed today at just under 7.8kg, a really good increase from only one month ago.
Yesterday she stood by herself for the first time and is now doing it regularly. Not looking like taking any steps just yet, but enjoying the sensation of being upstanding! She insisted on having this Dorothy the Dinasaur top yesterday at the shops and I couldn't refuses, her being so clever and all!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year

Hi All, and a happy new year. Well, what a Christmas! The Holidays have flown by again. Christmas was so much fun this year. Mia was delighted on Christmas moring opening her stocking from Santa and opening her present from us, the door seen above. She plays with it for ages, it sings, counts, she loves it. We hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year also.

We spent New Year with Richards family at Eildon. Mia thinks sleep is over rated and just had too much fun playing with her cousins, who she calls the 'boys', or 'Jay' for James. It was hot but relaxing and I for one, didn't want to come back. But back we came to reality, work and this damn heat! Still 30 degrees and already 10pm!!!

Mia had her cardiology appointment on the first of December and they were really happy with her progress. She doesn't need to go back for another 6 motnhs. Her doctor said that in about a year, we will start to plan for her next operation, to be done about 3 and a half.

By the way, for those Poms out there, did anyone see who won the cricket?? I missed some of it (haha).
