Friday, June 15, 2007

Fashion Queen

Can you tell Mia dressed herself? And very proud shi is too. She didn't stay like that for long mind you, I didn't cope very well. Mia is lovely at the moment.... talking non-stop, playing with puzzles, money box. Unfortunately not sleeping well at night again, the never ending cycle. She plays with her 'baby' doll and lloks after her most of the time. I have to explain however, that you don't carry babies by only one of their hands. She will get it eventually and we are expecting her to be a very helpfull big sister!
Cardiology went really well last week, they were happy with her heart and general condition. Don't need to go back for another 6 months!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mia has some news!

Hi All,
Mia is looking so happy because she has some exciting news! She is very proud to announce that she is going to be a big sister in December. So far all is going well and she loves patting Mummy's tummy and kissing it too.
She has a cardiology visit on Friday and we will let you know how that goes.
Mum and Dad to be....