Can you tell Mia dressed herself? And very proud shi is too. She didn't stay like that for long mind you, I didn't cope very well. Mia is lovely at the moment.... talking non-stop, playing with puzzles, money box. Unfortunately not sleeping well at night again, the never ending cycle. She plays with her 'baby' doll and lloks after her most of the time. I have to explain however, that you don't carry babies by only one of their hands. She will get it eventually and we are expecting her to be a very helpfull big sister!
Cardiology went really well last week, they were happy with her heart and general condition. Don't need to go back for another 6 months!
What a little fashion doll!Cute hey?
Good to hear of a good Cardiology report.
Cheers, Marg & Jane. XXXX
Excellent news of goodcardiology report. We can see that Mia is going to be a real assett in guiding her brother/sister in fashionable living! Many congratulations to you all!
Love, Liz & Ian
Doesn't she look brill? Does anyone say "brill" anymore? Not sure, a patient used it today tho' and I feel like including it as often as I can! Anyway, really chuffed that the clever heart docs are still as happy as we all are with Mia and, as ever, looking forward to her next installment...
Must go and empty bucket under leaking roof again, roll on English summer...
Love to all, Caroline (and Husk!)
What a beautiful little Fashion Queen Mia. You would look great in anything such good colour co-ordination !! Love to all Heather and Roger xxoo
Glad to see how well she's doing and what a great example she'll be to her sibling! Sorry only just seen this - we were on hols in Italy till last Friday and then, instead of going to work on Monday, spent the day trying, not entirely successfully, to keep the water out of the house...Oxton on sea I think! Such fun shifting as much as possible upstairs and now daren't move it down again yet as even more rain forecast for the next few days. Time we moved to a warmer drier climate I think.
All love to you all, J & N x
Mia is growing into such a lovely little girl - it's so good to see your latest pictures and get a sense of her through them. She certainly has an eye for fashion!
Great that her cardiology report is good too.
Congratulations on the news of a brother or sister for her too - wonderful to hear about that.
Love from Janet (UK)
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