We spent New Year with Richards family at Eildon. Mia thinks sleep is over rated and just had too much fun playing with her cousins, who she calls the 'boys', or 'Jay' for James. It was hot but relaxing and I for one, didn't want to come back. But back we came to reality, work and this damn heat! Still 30 degrees and already 10pm!!!
Mia had her cardiology appointment on the first of December and they were really happy with her progress. She doesn't need to go back for another 6 motnhs. Her doctor said that in about a year, we will start to plan for her next operation, to be done about 3 and a half.
By the way, for those Poms out there, did anyone see who won the cricket?? I missed some of it (haha).
Hi Mia,Lyndall and Richard, and a very Happy New Year to you all. Great to hear how you all are and to see that the beautiful Princess is doing so well. Love Heather and Roger xxoo
Hi Guys. Mia is looking more cute every photo. Fantastic to hear you all had such a great summer festive season. We also have fully enjoyed the sun and water. Keep up the blogging we really enjoy getting to see Mia grow.
All our love and Sydney kisses
The Ivers Family XXXX
Happy New Year to you all too - I thought it had been very quiet from Down Under about the cricket... we were expecting gloating much earlier in the season (and it would appear that nothing is getting ANY better...)Glad to hear that Mia is doing so well anyway - there is SOME good news around!
Much love to you all
Jonathan and Nicky x
Yes, it's funny, don't think you were the only ones that missed the cricket, I think most of the England team will have to watch the replays to catch up too. Was wondering whether you were just feeling that gloating over such a poor effort was really a bit mean...
Lovely to hear that all well with you, freezing cold and wet here which makes a change from warm and wet on last week's skiing holiday in France - ice and slush are not good for skiing on :-(
Love to all and looking forward to the next blog....
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