Monday, November 06, 2006

On the weekend I went to my Aunty Melisa's wedding. She looked really pretty. Even though I wasn't in the wedding party, I got to sit with them for some photos during the ceremony. I had lots of fun and danced well into the evening (8pm!!!) before Grandma and Guppy took me home.

Congratulations Melissa and Daniel

Love Mia


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Liss look fantastic? And everyone looks really happy, just wish I could've made it too... but I've got some holiday coming up next week... can't wait!

Lots of love to you all, xxC

Anonymous said...

Hi there Mia,Lyndall and Richard, hope that the beautiful little Princess didn't steal the show too much !! Marg and Jane sent me some photos of the big day and she sure did look beautiful. Didn't get a photo of Sandie and Peter.Love to all Heather and Roger xxoo

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know that Miss Mia did not still the brides thunder, and if she had of that would have been perfectly fine as she is by far the brides and grooms favorite little niece.
Lots of Love Miss Mia see you soon.

The Bride and Groom

Anonymous said...

hello Mia

Just wondering how you are as I haven't seen anything for a while, I guess that Mummy and Daddy are running around preparing for Christmas. I'm off to the Christmas market in Lincoln later all being well.

lots of love

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