Mia is doing very well. We are so proud of her! We went up to the ward today, which we were supposed to do yesterday, but the bed was needed for a patient from Darwin. All the nurses on 7 West were very happy to see her and kept saying how big she had got! (5.038 kg last monday)
Things are going to plan. She is still needing a bit of oxygen and is VERRYYYRRRYYRYRY grumpy when awake. Today she sort of quarter smiled when I read her Hairy Maclarey.
Will take some more photos tomorrow
Oh wow what a big brave girl (even if not a very happy one - who would be after that lot?!). Lovely pictures and so glad things are going according to plan. Much love J&N x
So pleased! Mia looks fantastic!She reminds me a lot of her cousin Katie when she was a baby.
Thanks so much for keeping us up to date.
Liz & Ian
Well done Mia you are a little champion. Lyndall and Richard you are so good to keep us all informed. Thinking of you all much love Heather and Roger (Brissie) xxoo
Great to hear all's going well. Our thoughts are with the three of you. Cameron & The Bethlehem Team.
Hey Mia
thanks for leting me borrow your
playstation why you are in hospital.
Good Luck.
From the boss cousin James
To Mia, Lyndall & Richard,
We are all so glad to hear Mia is doing well - she looks great in these pics. Appreciate the effort you both go to to keep us all informed as we check for updates often. Look forward to seeing the continued improvements. All our love, The Day Family xoxox
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