Hi All,
Mia has had her first trip to the Melbourne Zoo. She had such a lot of fun, she was really interested in all the animals. Mind you, the most excited response came from her when she noticed Dorothy the Dinosaur on some Kids backpack!! She only lasted a few hours and was pooped.
As you can see, she is doing really well. Walking all over the place, getting steadier every day. At 19 months she still hasn't managed to reach the 8kg mark (who would have thought, looking at her parents?!?!) but doesn't llok too different from her friends.
Will try to update more regularly than I have been!
Hi clever Mia, we really love the zoo to. Its a great day out. We hope mum and dad let you pick which animals to see and that dad didnt just spend all his time with his relative the monkeys.
Love and Sydney kisses The Ivers Family XXXXXX
Rich and Lyndall
She looks really well, surely the fact that she's walking and active is a sign that those stupid weight charts don't count for anything! (Sorry to any Paed friends that you may have.) Really proud to be her Godmother, even if it is from the other side of the world.... House move going slowly but steadily....
Love to all and families too, Caroline xxx
Hi there Mia,Lyndall and Richard. You are looking so good Mia and I just love the Melbourne Zoo too, have not been there for sometime. Love to all Heather and Roger xxoo
Bit late in the day here seeing this but so glad things going well. We've not been to Melbourne Zoo (Healesville a couple of times and Sydney's Taronga Park when Mia's godmother was aged 7!) - have to keep something for future trips! What a lovely photo! Have to catch up on Skype again one day, it was good to see her if briefly a few weeks ago at P & S's.
Much love Jonathan and Nicky x
Just a lovely photo of you Mia, you are an Angel! Lyndal& Rich just remember, "good things come in beautiful,small & dainty packages"
Don't take much notice of percentile charts !! ( as your friend said)
time we caught up? much love,
marg & Jane. XXXXX
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