Hello All, can you believe that our little angel is 21 months old today!!! My apologies for not having blogged for a while, things have been really crazy around here. As you can see, Mia is just adorable, if I do say so myself. She spends a lot of time drawing and explaining her pictures to us. More often than not, the moon. Lucky she tells us. She has also taken to drawing on the walls and anything else she can get her pencil or crayon onto. Hew speach is delightfull, naming the wiggles, talking about the mmon and the sun, only a few sentences as yet, but a manificent array of words and names for friends and family.
Sleeping is currently a nightmare, but we are working on that. Amazing what a few late nights of birthdays and other celebrations can do to a good sleep routine. Better go.... things ar awfully quiet out there! Will try to blog more regularly to let you all know how Mia is doing.
Hi Mia,Lyndall and Richard, Just checked in as we always do and was surprized to see a new entry,we do understand how busy you are. Mia you must be a real big fan of Dorothy the Dinasaur as she is on a lot of your beautiful outfits. You are beautiful. Love to all Heather and Roger xxoo
Hi to you all
Can't believe how big and grown up Mia looks! Lovely to hear her news - sounds like hard work! Whoever suggested that 'Silence is golden' had never looked after toddlers - definitely time to check what they're up to! Seasons all to pot here - we had summer over Easter, but the last week or so have been chilly and windy but dry (in English terms...not on your scale). Rain due tomorrow of course - it's a public holiday!
Love to you all
Jonathan and Nicky xx
Hi Lyndall, It's James from London, and I just wanted to say that I showed my wife Tina your blog when we had just finished lunch in Hampton with your parents, and we both thought Mia was wonderful! Best of luck with everything, you've been in our thoughts lately, especially as your lovely Mum has been helpful to us during her visits (well I say visits, doesn't she live here now!) James Butler
Hiya Mia
At last, I'm back on-line after the move to Nottingham, it's taken a while as we're lucky enough to get it through Husk's work and my computer throwing a tantrum more suitable from a 2 year old this afternoon didn't help. Now, I've beaten the relevant bits of technology and can see what you've been up to - previously it was slower than an English fast bowler so you can see why I haven't been on line for a while. You're looking fantastic as usual, here's hoping that Mummy and Daddy teach you some of the politer bits of their vocabulary!
Lots of love to you and all your family,
Thanks for the photos, it is great to hear of Mia's progress.
Best wishes
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