Mia has a new bike helmet, the other one has gone missing. She picked a Dora one and is very proud. She has spent the morning zooming around the deck on her trike with Dora on her head. She weighs 10kg!!!!!!!!! Although Theo, at 6.2kg is catching up fast. We are taking bets as to at what age he will overtake her.

Theo is beautiful.... doing better sleeping overnight and accepting his bottle more too, although we are still only giving him one a day. Sometimes he has 20ml, others 80-100ml. He is SO allert, smiling, giggling, wanting to see and be a part of whatever is going on.
Will try to do better with blogging...
Always lovely to see the blog, and I check most days... 10 kgs - fantastic! Really good news! They both look wonderful - love Mia's vision in pink outfit, complete with Dora! And good to hear that Theo is sleeping well too.
Love to all,
Great photos of the children and they are both doing so well. Much love to all Heather and Roger XXOO
Good words.
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