Monday, September 12, 2005

First day in hospital

Mia had her first day in hospital today. We arrived at 7am with a very hungry girl who of course was not allowed to have a feed!

Cut to the chase, her operation has gone well. Although not out of the woods yet for tonight, she is heavilly sedated and on some medications for both pain and to keep up her blood pressure. BUT.... the doctors and nurses in ICU say she is acting like a normal baby after such a procedure.

She looks so cute in her bed, very peaceful and at rest. There are a lot of lines and things, but she still looks like our little girl! Will try to add a picture of her tomorrow.

Tonight is an important night for her and they will be keeping her sedated and on the ventilator. If she is stable tomorrow, they will start to wean her off the drugs keeping her asleep and off the breathing machine.

Our love to everyone,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi you three we like everyone else are keeping up still thinking of you all keep your chin up come on Mia were all waiting for you to get well. The Days