Wednesday, September 28, 2005

One step forward......

Mia has decided to dazzle us with her audition for the exorcist, hwe head does 3 time 360 degree turns before projectile vomiting at whoever she can reach!! SHe has unfortunately lost weight and is actually now only 76 grams more than her birth weight.

So she is giving us greif again, although her heart is good! The general surgeons have been looking at her agin today to see if we can work out the vomiting things which has been for a few days now. Obviously she needs to keep eating and keep it down to grow big and strong!

Will keep you posted,


Anonymous said...

Still thinking of you all - sorry to hear about the vomming bit when she looked such a smiley babe in the bath... sounds like she's going to be needing more baths than any of you'd like. Hope they can sort it without too much problem.
All love from the Oxton lot xx

Anonymous said...

What a smile!!!! She is definately a true little Princess. All our love, best wishes and fairy kisses, The Ivers Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyndall & Richard, Lovely to see the photo of Mia (a good one for her 21st.!!?? Your little angel was certainly enjoying her bath.
Pity about the vomiting, we'll be interested as to what the general surgeon thinks?
Thinking of you ALL,lots of love, Marg & Jane. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Anonymous said...

Babies, if it's not coming out one end , it's the other. Poor Mum seeing all that good milk go to waste, hope Mia soon finds out how to keep it down. Looks like you will have to put in a pool for your water baby - she looks happy in her bath!
love, Linda & Roger xx

Anonymous said...

:)Hey Lyndall,Richard and baby Mia,
Jo only told us today that there is a site for us to keep up to date and leave comments, so we just wanted to give you all our love and say that you are and have been in our thoughts, the photos on the site are so precious, your daughter is absolutely beautiful.
Hoping to see you all soon
Love Tam,Alan, Rhiannon,Dallan,Jaydon and Brennan