Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Loving those Rusks

Mia is loving those rusks! She has worked out how to slide them along her tooth and gets covered in slushy rusk.

Richard took her in to the Kids first thing today after she pulled her tube out at 5:30 thismorning!!!! (only 5 days after last pulling it out!) Mummy is still not confident to do it herself.

She is otherwise doing really well, putting on weight and is still keeping down much more food than she used to. Today she drank 40ml from a cup which is really good for her.

Will keep blogging!

Friday, February 17, 2006


Mia is still travelling well. I have just been in at the Children's thismorning after she vomited her tube out after breakfast. Mia's favorite nrse Res stuck a new one down, not before Mia burst into tears as soon as she saw her!?!

Mia has been refusing her solids over the last week and yesterday we got a reason. A TOOTH!!!!!! Bottom left, erupted yesterday. What a clever girl.

Off to have lunch with Cooper and Maddison from mothers group!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Eating Well

Mia is a little small for her highchair, so I actually feed her without the tray!

Likes: Pumpkin, rice cerial with apple or pair
HATES!!!!!!!! Broccoli and potato

Sucking on her first rusk as I type, and seems to be really enjoying it.

Happy Birthday Papa Peter!
Love Mia