Friday, February 17, 2006


Mia is still travelling well. I have just been in at the Children's thismorning after she vomited her tube out after breakfast. Mia's favorite nrse Res stuck a new one down, not before Mia burst into tears as soon as she saw her!?!

Mia has been refusing her solids over the last week and yesterday we got a reason. A TOOTH!!!!!! Bottom left, erupted yesterday. What a clever girl.

Off to have lunch with Cooper and Maddison from mothers group!


Anonymous said...

Hi there Mia,Lyndall and Richard. Clever little girl Mia getting a tooth already no wonder you enjoyed your rusk so much you were probably giving the tender gum a good work out. We are thinking of you all Much love Heather and Roger (Brissie) xxoo

Anonymous said...

Well done to you all. Best wishes from Roy and all at Holy Trinity