Mia is a little small for her highchair, so I actually feed her without the tray!
Likes: Pumpkin, rice cerial with apple or pair
HATES!!!!!!!! Broccoli and potato
Sucking on her first rusk as I type, and seems to be really enjoying it.
Happy Birthday Papa Peter!
Love Mia
Hello there Mia,Lyndall and Richard.That is a great photo of Mia in the high chair she looks like she is playing hide and seek !!! Not too many kids like broccoli and she is certainly doing well without it. Hope you are all having good sleeps now. Keep up the good work love Heather and Roger(Brissie) xxoo
she looks great - hey, our adult children are not great about broccoli - well done , Jenny and Tim
Mia you are very cute there in your highchair! We think broccoli is not very tasty as well (everyone except Glenise that is - strange
:-) ) Keep up the good work all of you!
Love the Thomson 4s
Mia is looking great, good that she is eating well and keeping most of it down. Funnily Oscar loves little trees, (broccoli) as he calls them. Looking forward to meeting Mia when I visit in May.
and all the other Bruny Islanders
How come your highchair tray isn't besmeared with Weetabix and other such lovely things!Guess that's cos you don't usually have the tray there when feeding Mia! Glad to see her looking so good - just been chatting to her godmum and we'll be meeting up with her in less than 3 weeks.
Love to you all, J & N in chilly Nottingham
Hi Lyndall & Richard, doesn't Mia look gorgeous in her high chair? Playing peka boo ? Don't blame her for not liking brocholi! She has certainly put on weight & is looking just so well. Thanks for keeping us up to date, lots of love Marg & Jane XXXXXXXXX
She is doing so well and looking so animated in the photos! We can see the cheekiness in her eyes already.XX Bron, Ruby & Fras
Mia is gorgeous. I would like to put a link to your blog on mine. My daughter Sophia was born with Tetralogy of Fallot and Pulmonary Trunk Atresia. She has had two surgeries so far.
Here is a link to my daughters blog:
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