Mia is loving those rusks! She has worked out how to slide them along her tooth and gets covered in slushy rusk.
Richard took her in to the Kids first thing today after she pulled her tube out at 5:30 thismorning!!!! (only 5 days after last pulling it out!) Mummy is still not confident to do it herself.
She is otherwise doing really well, putting on weight and is still keeping down much more food than she used to. Today she drank 40ml from a cup which is really good for her.
Will keep blogging!
Hi there Mia,Lyndall and Richard.Well at least the NG tube won't get blocked being changed so frequently.Clever little girl.We can see how well she is thriving.Keep up the good work and just love following her progress on this wonderful site. Love Heather and Roger (Brissie) xxoo
She looks so pleased with herself - the rusks will be making a right mess of everything! Clever girl. We so appreciate being able to see Mia in the pics. She has great parents! Cheers Tim and Jenny
Yes, she does look fantastic at the moment! Tooth, rusks, soon she'll be big enough to put her own tube down.... well, perhaps not, but she's looking great anyway! I'm guessing that the parcel from Cusco never arrived, so will find something from here in Ushuaia, southernmost city of the world, instead. Off to Antarctica in a few days....
Love to all, Caroline xxxx
Mia obviously likes keeping you on your toes! She is doing so well - you can see the progress brilliantly with all your lovely photos of her!
Love, Liz & Ian
Hi Richard, Lyndall and Mia. I finally got on to have another look-see at your progress after moving back to Adelaide. Mia looks so good, you must be so proud! Still think about you often and I hope everything continues to improve the way it has. Much love from Lou. xx
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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