Friday, December 07, 2007

My Little Brother Theo

Sorry it has taken so long to update. However with Lyndall in hospital i have not been able to work with the technology. However, here goes.

Theo Charles Napier Cowley (Teddy Chucky Nip Cowley) was born at 2.08pm on Monday the 3rd of December. He was a healthy 8 pounds and 2 ounces. Lyndall and him are both doing well and apparently all things that need to be working are. Mia has been extremely loving and caring towards her little brother but we will see what happens tomorrow when we actually take him home with us. Below are a few pictures.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mummy's Ouch

Hi All, quick update on Bub,
Everything going very well with the baby, growing exceptionally well (I thought that was a nice was of saying I am huge!) and is obviously going to be some sort of athlete. Unfortunately I have not been so well, in hospital over the weekend with a broken rib from sneezing! Not usually neccessary of course, but because I cant take the usual suspects of analgesia, I had to have some harder stuff. Still sore and sorry, but coping with the pain and discomfort. We were on the maternity ward which gave us a chance to show Mia the little babies and for her to see what life may be like with Mum in hospital very soon. Staying at Mums for some help while Rich working in Perth this week.
NEW LOOK BLOG...... will it be pink or will it change to blue? Not long to go now.......

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Daddy's Birthday Cake

Today I cooked a yummy Chocolate Cake for Daddy's Birthday. I really like licking the bowl. Dad is getting really old. Mum sayes her baby kicks her non-stop and she is ready for it to come out now. I don't want the baby to have my cot. Or my bedroom. I get a bit grumpy when we have to talk about 'when the baby comes'!! I am more exited about this Santa guy that is going to bring me presents soon.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Birthday Girl

Such a beautiful birthday girl, I'm sure you will all agree. We had a really busy weekend and are all exhausted! Mia had a ball, loved opening her presents. Gave us an indication of what is to come this Christmas, now she has a bit more of an idea of how things work and what they mean! She thinks all presents she sees are for hew now, but all perfectly normal i'm sure. She alternates each day between saying her new baby is a brother or sister, but the name is constant, Meow. Hmmmmmmm.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mum's Baby

This is the baby in Mummy's tummy. It is 19 weeks old now, half way there! (pretty much, anyway). The doctor who looked at the pictures was really happy that everything looked really good, aspecially the heart, so Mummy and Daddy are REALLY happy that things are going well.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Mia has moved into her new bed, a big bed! She is good going to sleep mostly, but we are having a few problems since she was sick the other week adn became partial to Mum and Dad's bed again! She hasn't quite worked out how to stay down the business end of the bed, but was quite cute the morning I found her asleep, but nearly off the end!! She loves lying in bed reading books before sleep time.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Fashion Queen

Can you tell Mia dressed herself? And very proud shi is too. She didn't stay like that for long mind you, I didn't cope very well. Mia is lovely at the moment.... talking non-stop, playing with puzzles, money box. Unfortunately not sleeping well at night again, the never ending cycle. She plays with her 'baby' doll and lloks after her most of the time. I have to explain however, that you don't carry babies by only one of their hands. She will get it eventually and we are expecting her to be a very helpfull big sister!
Cardiology went really well last week, they were happy with her heart and general condition. Don't need to go back for another 6 months!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mia has some news!

Hi All,
Mia is looking so happy because she has some exciting news! She is very proud to announce that she is going to be a big sister in December. So far all is going well and she loves patting Mummy's tummy and kissing it too.
She has a cardiology visit on Friday and we will let you know how that goes.
Mum and Dad to be....

Friday, May 04, 2007

21 TODAY!!!

Hello All, can you believe that our little angel is 21 months old today!!! My apologies for not having blogged for a while, things have been really crazy around here. As you can see, Mia is just adorable, if I do say so myself. She spends a lot of time drawing and explaining her pictures to us. More often than not, the moon. Lucky she tells us. She has also taken to drawing on the walls and anything else she can get her pencil or crayon onto. Hew speach is delightfull, naming the wiggles, talking about the mmon and the sun, only a few sentences as yet, but a manificent array of words and names for friends and family.
Sleeping is currently a nightmare, but we are working on that. Amazing what a few late nights of birthdays and other celebrations can do to a good sleep routine. Better go.... things ar awfully quiet out there! Will try to blog more regularly to let you all know how Mia is doing.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Easter Hats

Mia and Austin made easter hats and don't they look great! Mia is also very proud of her Dorothy the Dinasaur skirt. On Palm Sunday she went to church with Grandma and Guppy and waved Palm branches around the donkey. She had a great time. She is a real little miss. Not eating much and asserting herself to the fullest!

Health wise, she is doing really well. Not putting on any weight, but she has had a nasty tummy bug for over a week. She is happy for most of the time, especially if she is getting her own way!

Friday, March 09, 2007


Hi All,
Mia has had her first trip to the Melbourne Zoo. She had such a lot of fun, she was really interested in all the animals. Mind you, the most excited response came from her when she noticed Dorothy the Dinosaur on some Kids backpack!! She only lasted a few hours and was pooped.
As you can see, she is doing really well. Walking all over the place, getting steadier every day. At 19 months she still hasn't managed to reach the 8kg mark (who would have thought, looking at her parents?!?!) but doesn't llok too different from her friends.
Will try to update more regularly than I have been!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hey everyone, LOOK AT ME!! I can walk all on my own. So clever. I can do 8-10 steps, just a bit wobbly. I get lots of claps and cheers of hooray when I fall over, I am confused what it is I am supposed to be doing! It was my 18 month birthday on Sunday.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Too tired to eat!

Mia was so exhausted after playing with Cooper at mothers group that she couldn't eat her lunch. I turned to find her fast asleep in the high chair, her avocado sandwich untouched!!! She was weighed today at just under 7.8kg, a really good increase from only one month ago.
Yesterday she stood by herself for the first time and is now doing it regularly. Not looking like taking any steps just yet, but enjoying the sensation of being upstanding! She insisted on having this Dorothy the Dinasaur top yesterday at the shops and I couldn't refuses, her being so clever and all!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year

Hi All, and a happy new year. Well, what a Christmas! The Holidays have flown by again. Christmas was so much fun this year. Mia was delighted on Christmas moring opening her stocking from Santa and opening her present from us, the door seen above. She plays with it for ages, it sings, counts, she loves it. We hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year also.

We spent New Year with Richards family at Eildon. Mia thinks sleep is over rated and just had too much fun playing with her cousins, who she calls the 'boys', or 'Jay' for James. It was hot but relaxing and I for one, didn't want to come back. But back we came to reality, work and this damn heat! Still 30 degrees and already 10pm!!!

Mia had her cardiology appointment on the first of December and they were really happy with her progress. She doesn't need to go back for another 6 motnhs. Her doctor said that in about a year, we will start to plan for her next operation, to be done about 3 and a half.

By the way, for those Poms out there, did anyone see who won the cricket?? I missed some of it (haha).
