Mia thought it would be really funny to pull her tube out on Christmas Day! Of course, everyone ran for their cameras, as did Mummy. Uncle Ben and Mummy put it back in quick smart!
I have moved into my cot, didn't like the bassinette too much!! Things are going really well at home, although there was a threat of being left at the RSPCA on the weekend when I wouldn't sleep at night!
Saw the cardiologist last week who did another ultrasound of the heart. He sayes she is still doing well, compensating for all of the problems. He thinks the anatomy is a bit different than originaly thought, although it really has no consequence at this stage. For those anatomically minded, he thinks she may actually have a transposition of the great arteries rather than double outlet right ventricle, which is being compensated for by a large VSD.
So in summary; ---Transposition of the great arteries; Atrial Septal defect; Ventricular septal defect; Hypoplastic left ventricle; Totally stuffed mitral valve (NO flow through).
FOR THOSE NOT ANATOMICALLY MINDED!!!!! - the two big tubes are coming off the wrong sides of the heart and there are two really big holes that shouldn't be there, but in actual fact are needed because of the tube switch!!
See http://www.rch.org.au/cardiology/health-info.cfm?doc_id=3574 which gives information on transposition of the arteries. However keep in mind that Mia is a bit complicated and because she has the holes in her heart also, early surgery is not needed and they will not be switching the arteries around.
She is starting to restrict her own blood flow to the lungs which is really good. She hopefully wont need the first operation (to fix and restrict blood flow to lungs) until 8-12 weeks now, depending on how things go. She will have another ultrasound next week and we will have an update then!!!!!
Hope I havn't totally confused everyone with my mumbo jumbo!!